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300,000 Comparisons Completed!

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Incredible news from Rectec HQ as we continue on our mission to help recruitment tech buyers purchase with confidence.

We’ve just performed our 🎉​ 300,000th comparison! 🎉​

Huge numbers at Rectec HQ, another massive milestone knocked down on our path to procurement dominance, and another step on the journey to helping as many Recruitment and HR leaders buy recruitment tech with objectivity and specificity.

To quote our Founder and CEO, Rob Green

What an absolutely mind blowing moment for the team. 

It’s sometimes the case that we forget just how many people our comparison service has reached. And what I’m most proud about is that the numbers keep growing. Searches are being conducted all over the world, and our reputation is, seemingly, continuing to precede us in exciting new markets.

I absolutely LOVE helping agencies and employers to find the right tech. From the day I Founded the company and now into my 4th year, I’m still encouraged and passionate about operating in this incredible little niche.

The future is looking incredibly bright. So keep watching this space for more exciting news in the future. Every milestone is another step on the path to our growth mission and vision of a technically-engaged community of recruiters, HR professionals, agency paragons and leaders in our sector.

Here’s to the next 100,000!”

For anyone reading this who hasn’t yet dived onto our comparison search platform, just head here and within 20 minutes you’ll have a personalised, hyper-customised shortlist of CRMs or ATSs for your needs.

 A quick, responsive process is what you need to attract and engage the best talent.

At Rectec we help organisations to find the best Applicant Tracking System or best Recruitment CRM to suit your needs, accompanied by our unique complementary technology marketplace, to help you build the perfect recruitment tech stack for your business.

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