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The top 5 recruitment tech tools for 2023

Top 5 2023 BLOG

We’re taking a brief peek into the near future with this week’s blog, looking at the recruitment tools that will define effective recruitment in 2023.

Xmas is upon us and the new year beckons. Here at Rectec HQ, we know the traditional New Year New Me candidate/new job splurge may be a little hampered by a looming recession and a belt-tightened festive season, but it’s still right to enter the new year with a plan for how to handle the uptick in attrition in the first quarter.

We find, based on our own anecdotal evidence and research, that recruitment tech in and of itself won’t suddenly improve recruiting outcomes – but tech is fast becoming the deciding factor in candidate attractions and the ultimate augmentor of quality relationship building between recruiter and stakeholder.

As we point out below, 2023 is looking to bring new and novel recruitment tech tools to the fore. As always, we vouch for any recruitment tech company whose work helps improve CX and recruiting outcomes…but, to a degree, we’re all subject to the changing whims of recruitment trends, so it’s always good to be mindful of how the wider industry is evolving and what people want from their recruitment partners.

So, with this in mind, here is a quickfire top 5 list of winning tech tools and methodology for 2023.

Programmatic Advertising.

If you haven’t heard of PA, then over to The Digital Marketing Institute for a breakdown:

PA perfects the ad-buying and marketing process by semi-automating the entire process of advertising. It offers more time and space for marketers to optimise advert results and provides scalable, efficient reach into the ad space for maximum ad impact. 

Within our neck of the marketing world, PA is the future of job adverts and job outreach. We will see an explosion of recruitment tech programmatic advertising in 2023 as we fight the impact of a recession and the continued digitisation of everything.

Remote interviewing.

Whilst remote interviewing isn’t a new concept by any means, we think 2023 will see the industry pivot to full, unadulterated acceptance of remote interviewing as standard. 

Rectec are proud to partner with a great selection of remote interview tech solutions and sees these products as the front door to more inclusive and more diverse interview processes. 

Testing & Assessments.

The natural next stage remote HR solution sibling to remote interviewing is revamped, AI-driven, remote testing and assessments. 

It’s all about the alignment of skills, values, and working culture. 2023 will be another disrupted year for hiring, but post-great resignation pressures will be slightly different to 2022. Hiring isn’t getting any cheaper, and candidates are seeking security and a chance to grow their careers in a supportive working environment, free of the pressures of the rising cost of living. Accurate testing and assessments are vital to making sure the right hire is made every time.

Background Checks.

Digital reference checking is a much-in-demand recruitment tech tool that we feel will hit its full stride in 2023. 

From GDPR compliance to time-saving, cost-cutting measures, having a digital partner to assist with reference checking is a no-brainer when recruitment has to be faster and more efficient than ever. 

Indeed, recruitment tech providers are now getting every piece of referenceable material in place, onto platforms, within 24 hours, accelerating recruitment performance and candidate engagement.


Between 2020 and 2022 the world finally sat up and listened to the facts about diverse hiring and how diverse hiring practice improves virtually every metric across the business board. 

2023 will start to see these “novel” solutions become hard-coded, habitual tools of the recruitment fraternity. But, as much as it pains us to say this, more work still needs to be done, and we hope to see more and more recruitment tech ATS, CRM, CMS, sales methods and employee experience (EX) strategies centre diverse hiring practices into their day-to-day.

Finally, a word on recruitment tech and improving the employee experience. 

As many reports have shown, the nature of work – its meaning, purpose and position in people’s lives – has drastically changed since the pandemic.

To cap off this article, we wanted to point you to the Qualtrics Employee Experience Trends 2023 report, which summarises how companies should view employee experience (EX) and recruitment.

Recruitment tech’s position as a connector and communicator between employers and candidates/employees provides the means for EX improvement.

While tech won’t create positive, supportive working cultures for you, much of the employer brand and feedback culture heavy-lifting can and often is done by the tech tools you already use. It’s a case of finding new, often tech-led avenues to complete your EX cycle. 

So our advice is whatever tools make up your tech stack, make sure they pivot around employee experience, confidence building, support, burnout mitigation and the constant communication of brand values!

For more information on recruitment tech and recruitment adjacent tech, and to browse some incredible technical providers, head to our Marketplace for a deep-dive into some of the best providers on the market.

If you haven’t seen our ATS and recruitment CRM comparison service yet, what are you waiting for? 

Rectec Compare is totally free to use, and you can input your requirements in under 20 minutes to see what ATS or recruitment CRM best fits your needs. 

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