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6 Ways to Swtich Off From Work and Reduce Burnout

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Switching off from work can feel like a luxury or something that is nothing more than a dream. Many of us know the struggle all too well: even after the laptop is closed and emails have been answered, the workday lingers like a fog that refuses to lift. In fact, a recent report found that two-thirds of employees struggle to disconnect from work, with stress, job demands, and even technology keeping the “always-on” mentality alive. 

So how can you reclaim your personal time and truly recharge? 

We’ve got you covered with six fun and effective ways to switch off from work and hit the reset button on your energy levels.

Create a Post-Work Ritual

Transitioning from work mode to relaxation can be tricky, especially if you’re working from home. One powerful trick to ease this switch is to establish a post-work ritual. Think of it as a signal to your brain that the workday is over. Whether it’s a walk around the block, playing with your dog, listening to your favourite podcast, or making a cup of herbal tea, doing something you enjoy at the end of each day will help you unwind and clear the mental clutter.

Pro Tip: Create a dedicated “work shutdown” routine by tidying your workspace, turning off notifications, and closing your work apps. This physical act of winding down will help you detach mentally.

Put Boundaries on Your Technology

With work emails at our fingertips, it’s no surprise many people feel unable to fully switch off. But here’s the thing: you control your tech, not the other way around. The key is setting boundaries, particularly after work hours. Designate specific times to check emails or work messages—and make sure those times don’t bleed into your downtime.

Even better, turn off notifications when you’re off the clock! There’s a certain satisfaction in seeing a phone free from urgent “ding” sounds. You’ll be amazed how much headspace this frees up.

Pro Tip: Use apps like “Do Not Disturb” or schedule “focus” modes on your devices to automatically silence notifications outside of work hours.

Engage in a Hobby

We often stay mentally connected to work because we haven’t replaced it with something equally engaging. So, take up a hobby that not only distracts you but absorbs your full attention! Whether it’s dancing, painting, cycling, baking, or even learning a new language, doing something creative or physical will leave little room for work thoughts to sneak in.

Plus, hobbies have a way of rejuvenating your mind and giving you a sense of accomplishment outside of work. It’s a win-win!

Pro Tip: Schedule your hobby time just like you would a meeting, so it becomes a non-negotiable part of your routine.

Make Time for Mindfulness

Sometimes, the most effective way to disconnect from work is to go inward. Mindfulness practices like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga can help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and bring you back to the present moment. A simple five-minute breathing exercise can work wonders for silencing that internal “work chatter” and re-centering yourself.

Mindfulness can be as simple as a short meditation session before bed or as involved as a yoga class. The goal is to anchor yourself in the present moment, rather than letting your mind wander to tomorrow’s deadlines or unfinished tasks.

Pro Tip: Download a mindfulness app like Calm or Headspace to guide you through short, calming exercises—even just a few minutes can help you de-stress and reset. Many employers offer subscriptions to these kinds of apps for free so it’s worth checking your perks!

Set Clear Boundaries Between Work and Home Life

This tip is crucial, especially in an era where remote or hybrid working blurs the line between professional and personal life. To truly switch off from work, you need clear physical and mental boundaries. If possible, designate a specific workspace that you leave behind at the end of the day. Avoid working in bed or in spaces meant for relaxation.

And while it’s tempting to check emails after hours, setting limits (and sticking to them) ensures you have time for yourself, family, or whatever brings you joy.


Unplug from the Digital World 

When the digital world keeps us tethered to work, it’s time to turn it off and embrace the outside world! Spending time in nature for example —whether it’s a short walk in the park, a weekend hike, or just enjoying your garden—helps reset your mind and reduce stress. If you’re more of a home bird, hobbies such as cooking, gardening and painting can work wonders for your mindfulness.

Even a brief pause outside during a lunch break can make a difference. Leave your phone behind and engage your mind into something outside of your work. Read an article, pop for a quick walk… anything but work!

Pro Tip: Make it a goal to spend at least 15-30 minutes a day outside, especially during workdays. You’ll be surprised how refreshing this natural break can be.



In a world that often glorifies being “always on,” it’s important to remember that balance is the new success. Truly switching off from work is essential not only for your mental health but also for long-term productivity. By integrating a few of these tips into your daily routine, you’ll be able to better manage stress, reclaim your personal time, and feel refreshed for whatever comes next.

So go ahead—create your post-work ritual, turn off those notifications, and embrace the hobbies and moments that bring joy outside of your 9-to-5. Your mind, body, and soul will thank you!

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