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Celebrating 150,000 recruitment comparisons!

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This week was a huge week in the Rectec camp – we celebrated performing our 150,000th applicant tracking system and recruitment CRM comparison!

Over the last 18 months, since the launch of Rectec Compare, we’ve hit some huge milestones in our journey. 

But hitting 150,000 comparisons is a very special achievement and highlights our continued growth. We’re delivering a highly regarded service that organisations around the world are benefitting from in a big way, while keeping this service fee-free for our clients.

150,000 ATS and CRM comparisons is a number we projected, but we’ve hit this milestone sooner than anticipated. Doing so during such a challenging time in the recruitment industry speaks volumes about the continued relevance, and effectiveness, of our tech comparison service to recruitment talent acquisition leaders around the world. 

In the last year, we’ve expanded our offer to include the now-established Rectec Marketplace, and brought on more and more complementary recruitment tech providers into the Rectec vendor ecosystem, for the benefit of all

But Rectec Compare – our core ATS and recruitment CRM comparison service – is the reason why our valued vendors have such reach into the recruitment tech buyers’ market.

Rob Green, Founder and Director of Rectec, said;

“I’m delighted that our service is proving so effective in supporting our clients to choose the right technology for their business, helping them to transform, enhance and accelerate their recruitment and talent acquisition operations. 

We’ve continuously received outstanding feedback from our clients, yet we’ve remained hugely motivated to continue improving and enhancing our service at every opportunity. This is demonstrated in over 200 enhancements made to Rectec Compare since its launch.

Modern recruitment practice is built on the back of implementing the right recruitment software, and often the first port of call for a savvy recruiter is an ATS or recruitment CRM. Rectec Compare is the perfect recruitment technology shop window for curious tech buyers, and we’re hungry to support as many organisations as possible with our range of services.”

So if you haven’t seen our ATS and recruitment CRM comparison service yet, what are you waiting for? 

Rectec Compare is totally free to use, and you can input your requirements in as little as 15 minutes to identify the best ATS or recruitment CRM for your needs. 

Get started!

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