Power your digital workforce for roles in tech, finance, sales, marketing, customer service, and more!
Revolutionise the way you discover talent with Day One. An innovative online solution bringing verified skills to the forefront of the hiring process, ensuring that decisions are based solely on a person’s skills, abilities, and values.
We match candidates to your roles based on validated skills, attributes, and motivations instead of work history – allowing employers to build teams with dedicated, driven talent aligned to company values.
Talent must complete a series of strengths-based and competency assessments, in addition to an AI interview, to be able to enter the platform. We ensure you can grow your team with dedicated and driven candidates that also align with your company values.
Day One provides Talent Seekers with access to a diverse, motivated talent pool and streamlines hiring. It also enables partners to showcase learner skills for job success and job seekers to demonstrate their unique capabilities.
At Day One, we believe that the right start can set the stage for extraordinary achievements. Our cloud-based platform is designed to attract high-quality, dedicated candidates who aren’t just looking for a job, but looking to start their Day One.
Talent must complete a series of strengths-based and competency assessments, in addition to an AI interview, to be able to enter the platform. Once onboard, they will match with opportunities in the Day One platform to align your role with the right candidate.
Our process removes bias. We anonymise talent so you can hire fair and equitably – unlocking a talent pool you may not have considered before, with trust that their skills are verified.
Looking for roles in tech, finance, sales, marketing, customer service, and more, we ensure you can grow your team with dedicated and driven candidates that align with your company values too. Power your digital workforce and connect with talent that are ready to hit the ground running and help your company achieve its goals from Day One.
Software Category
Applicant Tracking Systems
Recruitment CRM
Other Integrations