Ever find yourself daydreaming about working from a hammock on a tropical beach or finishing that project at your favourite coffee shop?

Gone are the days of the rigid 9-to-5, chained to a desk under fluorescent lights. 


The evolution of technology, coupled with the global shakeup from the pandemic, has catapulted us into a new era where work adapts to life, rather than the other way around. Flexible working has now become a norm for lots of workers, and a want of many more.


As flexible working has become deep rooted in today’s, its offering (where the role allows for it) seems to take pride of place in job adverts. We’ve all heard the enticing promises: “Work from anywhere!” “Set your own hours!” “Enjoy a better work-life balance!” When companies advertise flexible working, it sounds like a dream come true. Recruitment ads showcase happy employees working from cafes, attending virtual meetings from sun drenched balconies, or balancing work with personal passions. This marketing spin is designed to attract top talent and portray the company as progressive and employee-centric.


But are these claims always genuine? Or are some companies merely enticing applicants with the concept, while failing to deliver on it in practice? Once settled into a role, flexible working (or even the sense of it) sometimes begins to fade away for numerous reasons…

  • Inflexible Deadlines and Meetings: Despite the promise of flexible hours, some employees find they’re still expected to be online and responsive during traditional office hours. Key meetings and deadlines often don’t accommodate different schedules.
  • Micromanagement: Trust is a cornerstone of true flexible working. Yet, some managers may struggle to let go, resulting in constant check-ins and micromanagement that stifles the intended autonomy.
  • Limited Remote Work Options: While the idea of working from anywhere is appealing, in practice, some companies might limit remote work to specific days or circumstances, forcing employees to be in the office more than they’d prefer.
  • Unclear Policies: Vague or poorly communicated flexible working policies can lead to inconsistent implementation. Employees might be unsure of what’s actually allowed, leading to hesitation in utilising flexible options.

 For the concept to work it must be embedded in a company whose culture is one of trust, open communication and clear communication. To give way to this, leadership has to be a part. If senior leaders aren’t fully on board or don’t model flexible working themselves, it sends mixed messages to the rest of the team. Employees quickly learn that despite official policies, the unspoken expectation is to adhere to traditional working patterns; in other words, trust begins to crumble. Some managers and executives also worry that flexibility will lead to reduced productivity and accountability. This fear can lead to rules that appear flexible on paper but are restrictive in practice, as managers try to maintain control and oversight. When done right, flexible working can actually result in enhanced productivity as employees can manage their own time and be able to focus at points that suit them best.

 Spotting true flexible working is becoming increasingly hard. The pandemic was a fair few years ago now and as we look ahead the rulebook is unwritten. If you’re on the lookout for a job that is truly flexible in it’s working pattern then keep you eye out for the following:

  • Transparent Policies: Look for companies with clear, detailed flexible working policies. These should outline exactly what’s available, how it’s implemented, and any guidelines employees need to follow. Transparency is a good indicator of genuine commitment.
  • Employee Testimonials: Current and former employees’ experiences can be telling. Check reviews on sites like Glassdoor or reach out to your network to get the inside scoop on how flexible working is actually implemented day-to-day.
  • Leadership Behaviour: Observe how leaders and managers within the company talk about and practise flexible working. If they’re setting an example by taking advantage of flexible options themselves, it’s a good sign that the culture supports it.
  • Tech Infrastructure: A company serious about flexible working will have invested in the necessary technology to support it. This includes reliable remote access tools, robust communication platforms, and cybersecurity measures to ensure smooth and secure operations from anywhere.


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