Intelligence Software

Intelligence Software Rectec

An ATS/CRM for small and medium sized recruitment agencies. Intelligence is designed to wrap around the processes within a recruitment agency to enable better, smarter and more efficient ways of working. This means that Intelligence can significantly increase the number of placements being made.

Intelligence Software RectecIntelligence Software RectecIntelligence Software Rectec

Temp/Contractor Client Portal

Temp/Contractor Candidate Portal

Emailable Timesheets

GPS Check in for Candidate

Live Temps Report

Timesheet Export

Timesheet Management

Temp Shift Scheduling

Data Export functionality

Data Import Functionality

Right to Work document collection

Reference Completion Notifications

Temp/Contract Payroll Integration

Other Integration Partners

Data Analytics Integration

Chatbot & AI Integration

Background Checks Integration

Testing & Assessments Integration

Video Interviewing Integration

Online Testing Integration

Other Candidate Apply Options

Other Job Boards

Other Social Channels

Social Media Posting

Demo Request